Happy 2025! My best wishes for a fantastic year for you and those you love. As my annual custom, here is a brief snapshot of my personal life in 2024.
In May, my family, including my Dad, went to Spokane, Washington, for my niece’s Law School graduation. I need to curtail some of my lawyer jokes now.
In June, I wrapped up my year as President of my Rotary Club, the Rotary Club of Mountain View; we celebrated with a fun party at a local restaurant and with a professional comedian.
On August 9th, my entire family ventured to Reno, Nevada to celebrate my father’s 100th Birthday.
On September 13th, The Rotary Club of Mountain View celebrated our Club’s 100th Anniversary, making us one of the oldest clubs in the area. As a car lover, I could not help but get in a 1920s Ford Model A.
In the end of September, my newly graduated Lawyer niece married her long-time boyfriend in a lovely outdoor ceremony at Butte’s Ranch near Sisters, Oregon.
In early December I had the pleasure of assisting my friend Giovanna with her annual toy drive where she assists the Mountain View Police Department collect toys for local children.
Oscar is now 1 year old and says hello.
My middle grandson decided to wear my reading glasses. I think he looks like a mini Clark Kent.
2024 was a beautiful and eventful year with my son, Kyle, turning 40 years old, my Sister turning 60 years old, and my father turning 100 years old. I enjoyed all of these events, while still providing the top-notch Real Estate Service my clients deserve, and learning to navigate the new rules and laws that now affect our country’s real estate industry.
If 2025 offers you real estate opportunities, let me show you how my custom, one-on-one service can benefit you and make real estate smoother and more profitable for you.
Tori Atwell, Broker Associate
Phone: 650.996.0123
Email: [email protected]
LIC.# 00927794
The Agency Los Altos
“Downtown Mountain View’s Most Experienced Real Estate Agent”